"Embrace the Best of August: The Rules for Savoring the Last Month of Summer"

It’s the last month of the summer. The sun is shining, the water is warm, and we’ve got some strict rules for making the most of these final few weeks of the best season. Let’s get into them.
- Don’t be hungover
This one’s inevitable. August is only four short weeks, so nobody has time to spend a day as a couch potato. Pick up some NextDay and this one should be easy.

- 2 outdoorsy activities per week (no repeats!)
Yes, you heard me. TWO activities per week. This is your chance to complete all of those lofty goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the summer. Maybe you wanted to hit up a local hiking trail, or perhaps kayak on a nearby body of water. You could even justify eating crabs outside as an outdoor activity, or simply dedicating an entire day to laying in the sun with a good book. Whatever the activity, map out your plans now and get to it!

- Finish that book!
Summer is indisputably the best time of the year to dive into a cheesy beach read. The sun’s too bright to be on technology all day, and a cheesy smut book is somehow much more socially acceptable this time of year. Lean into it, and read that fiction novel that’s been on your shelf for far too long.

- Light up the grill
Grilling seems much scarier than it really is. If you’re a newbie, try out something simple like a grilled chicken or burger. Or, if you’re a bit more experienced and tired of the classics by now, maybe go for something like a unique grilled pizza, grilled peach cobbler, or a grilled watermelon and shrimp salad. The possibilities are endless!

- Back to school shopping (yes, even as an adult)
September will always be back-to-school season for me -- no matter the age. It's time to revamp that wardrobe for the fall with the season’s new releases. It’s also a great time to get rid of those clothes that have been sitting in your closet for far too long. You know, the ones that “you could definitely wear” on a very specific occasion that will likely never actually occur and have just been taking up space in your closet for a few years. Donate them to a local charity or sell them on a resell website to make some money out of nicer pieces. In any case, let’s revamp that style!

- SPF everyday
This one is pretty straightforward. If you’re reading this, you are likely too old to continuously be burning yourself “because it will turn to tan.” Really, you gotta know yourself and prepare accordingly. Whether that’s lathering on 70+ or sticking with a spray 15, protect that skin from the sun’s radiation. Future you will thank yourself. (Plus, there are just too many good fake tan products out there now, if you really need that end of summer glow!!)

- Invest in that disposable camera
It's one of those things you’ve been contemplating for a while now, and I’m here to finally help you rip off the band aid. Disposable cameras are not only a fun activity for any type of event (maybe get a few of the cheaper ones for an upcoming bachelorette?), but they also produce the most epic, old-fashioned looking photos. I recommend getting one of these for just about any friends or family function and sending them to everyone afterwards.

- Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
In most places in the northern hemisphere, August is the hottest month of the year. Make sure you are hydrating properly. Beverages like NextDay contain plenty of electrolytes, and are a great way to get some extra hydration in. On top of that, though, you should definitely be consuming at least a few bottles of water a day. Maybe purchase a reusable water bottle (this one is my fav) and set a goal to drink at least 3 of them on a given day? Keeping infused waters that you actually enjoy drinking in your house may make this process easier. In any fashion, hydration is a must for your skin, digestion, and overall health.

- BE the host
Yes, you! Ever see those elaborate dinner parties, boat days, or backyard BBQs on social media and get so much envy. Well, why don’t you take action! The process of hosting a get together can be as fancy or casual as you would like -- you just have to take initiative to get everyone together. And, if finances are an issue, there are plenty of ways to make hosting a summer swaray more economical. Ask your friends to each bring a favorite dish or drink and you’ll save plenty. Hell, you could even make it a “competition of the appetizers” to make things fun! Whatever the case, BE the one to get these plans rolling -- you won’t regret it. And, who knows… maybe your friends will follow your lead and host the next get-together!

- 75 and sunny = cocktails on a patio
Ahh, the final (and arguably most important) rule. You simply cannot miss out on any more beautiful evenings. Come the fall, the air will get quite chilly, and taking off work to go sit outside with an Aperol Spritz on a Friday afternoon will likely no longer be socially acceptable. Soak up the final bits of summer as best as you can with as many different people as possible. Oh, and go into these drinks with no plan. Simply see where the night takes you. Go home and in bed by 10? Nobody’s ever regretted that the next morning. End up at a club until 4am? Well, there’s always NextDay for that --- and likely a good story, too;)

Alright! Now that we’ve got these rules set in stone, go out and live up the best August you can. After all, you don’t get another one for a whole year!
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